Went downhill really fast.

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nebula402 Avatar


I enjoyed the first couple chapters of this book, but after that it went downhill real fast. It started off strong with the supernova, the country games, and the adults having to teach the children everything. But once the adults were gone, nothing made sense anymore. It doesn't seem like any of the children are working anymore, yet they still have banquets of food, electricity, water, fuel, etc. Then they start in with the war games, of course proposed by the United States. And of course the Chinese kids are the smartest and most rational of all the kid world leaders and are the ones to end the war. All the scenes were either too short or too long, there was no in between. Some scenes went on and on about some unimportant tangent, but other scenes would skim right over crucial details or fly through plot developments. The author obviously had an idea for a kid's war and forced the rest of the plot around the ending.