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This was my first David Yoon book but I own Frankly In Love. I wanted more than I got from this book. I had high hopes but also didn't know what to expect. Sometimes I felt like the geek culture was too forced. I love geek culture, I'm a part of geek culture. But it got to be too much as certain points.

I did like the plot, who doesn't fake SOMETHING in order to get what they want? There's a reason "fake it till you make it" is a saying. I really liked that Sunny learned more about himself as he was faking being a rock star. Sometimes you need a push to discover more about yourself and Cirrus was that push for Sunny. Yes, it's wrong that he lied to her but he also grew as a person and as a teenager, it's hard to figure out who you are.

I liked Gray, Sunny's big brother and the source of the rock star image. Gray has a dream, explored it, failed, and came home. And that's okay because he tried. I liked how supportive the Dae family became once Sunny opened up to them and confronted them. Sometimes parents make mistakes too! But they can also learn from them. I will be reading Frankly In Love soon!