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I went in with really high expectations because I enjoyed the author’s book Frankly in Love so much.

Sunny’s life changes when he meets Cirrus.
She’s the daughter of acquaintances of his parents.
She’s just so cool to Sunny.
He knows that he should correct Cirrus’ belief that he’s a singer but things get out of control quickly.

Here’s how it happens:
Sunny has an older brother named Gray. Sunny has always felt that Gray was the cool brother. He’s in a band, people have thought he was cool since high school. Sunny definitely thinks Gray is cool.
Gray moved out awhile ago and his old room is practically a shrine.
When Cirrus shows up that first day, Sunny lets her believe that Gray’s old room is actually his. He feels like his own room is embarrassing.
But this also leads to Cirrus believing that Sunny is actually the one in the band.

I’m not going to say that he intended to mislead her but that’s where things wound up.
Once she believed he was in a band, Sunny felt like he had to play the part.

Pretending to be the lead singer in a band soon led to Sunny and his friends practicing for a talent show. Sunny liked Cirrus so much and he wanted his story about being in a band to be true. He wants to make it true so that he wasn’t exactly lying to her. But he also started to like his new persona. He wants to actually be the Sunny that’s the lead singer of the Immortals, he wants to dress like a rock star not in his dot com T-shirt collection. He doesn’t exactly want to be Gray but he doesn’t want to be the old Sunny either.

It’s an interesting and entertaining journey for Sunny. He’s definitely trying to find himself.

There were some strings of sentences that I didn’t really enjoy, somethings descriptions just ran really long, sometimes Sunny’s internal dialog was awkward. But I liked Sunny and I really liked all the other characters too.
I think Gray and Cirrus are such interesting characters that they could get their own books.

I got an early copy of this book from BookishFirst.