Amazing Debut Novel!

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Suddenly A Murder was such a good book! The idea of having a 20's themed graduation week in an old manor house that goes wrong? I loved it. You can't decide if you like the characters or not, you know who the murderer is but it somehow doesn't make sense, and you can't help but feel the victim kind of had it coming. Everyone is in everyone's business. The idea of rich parents spending this much money on a week long getaway is atrocious, but I found myself wishing I could actually be there and see all the secret passages and wear the fancy dresses.

I did not see the ending coming. The misleading information that is given that turns out to be completely different from what you thought works so well for the final reveal. I enjoyed this one immensely and read it in 2 days. The character development was spot on, mostly because they are still essentially kids playing grownups and don't fully know who they are. Definitely recommend!