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This was my first ever book by Joan He, and I am excited to read some of her other work.

I was already intrigued by the cover and the synopsis before even starting the book.

I loved the themes explored in this book. The setting of it being China in the year 414 was very interesting and different. I dont know much about chinese history so to read a book set there was really fun for me. I loved all the characters and plot lines throughout the book. I loved that there were so many powerful and influential female characters throughout the book. I enjoyed following the main character Zephyr and I loved getting to see her come into her own and find herself.

Some tropes included that I love
- He falls first
- enemies to lovers
- Found family

I didnt know there was going to be a sequel and thought the book was a stand alone so to get to the end and now have to wait was brutal. I cannot wait for book 2!