I'm a Big Girl, and This is an OVERWEIGHT NO

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I want to go on record as saying yes I am definitely far overweight. I was 10 when I "ballooned" up. Though, looking back, I wasn't nearly as big as I was made out to be. I too was bullied for my weight - shakes, food, gum ... all thrown in my hair. Hit, kicked, punched, even bitten.

So, the bullying and fat-shaming were a HUGE part of my life. I now wish I weighed what I did in high school.

With that said - this writing style is NOT for me. Not at all. If this is LONG FORM poetry, use that. This "in verse" style is a huge turn off.

I also don't like the idea of making parents look bad when they're trying to help their daughter lose weight. This also sounds like my mom's predicament as she too was overweight as a child - my grandma made fun of her, my grandpa tried to bribe her. Unfortunately - my grandmother's cooking was a problem. She didn't cook "good" food (fried this, fried that - carbs, potaotes ...).

I don't know what the author's connection or understanding about fat kids are - here's something ... yes, mom needs to not ridicule the child or criticize. That never works. Those around Ellie needed to be supportive, but not enabling (which is what this sounds like). Yes, be happy where you are, strive for better. Love yourself, but also respect yourself.

TL, DR -> cook better food, encourage exercise and healthy habits, have goals, reward goals (money works), be happy, be patient, be loving.

Definitely not a book I'd want to buy for myself if I were a teen, one I'd want given to me, or one I would buy for a teen.