Surprisingly enthralling!

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While the first look was interesting, I was a little hesitant to try this book out. There was a lot of teen angst in the first chapters that I wasn't exactly looking forward to, but the premise seemed promising. When I started reading I enjoyed the time skip (though that got a little confusing later on in the book) as we moved back and forth between points of view. The moody teen angst was doubled in some parts, but there was enough intrigue and exploration to keep me entertained. However, about a third of the way into the book, I was hooked. The story got better as the characters developed. The main character Jessica is forced to mature and examine her feelings, and through the experiences she goes through grows into a fascinating character.

Without going into details that would spoil much of the narrative, this story is told from two main viewpoints in two slightly shifted times, and that keeps the reader guessing and trying to fill in the blanks. While some of these gaps can be easily surmised before their revelation, Kirby does a great job of shaping the story to be easily readable while not giving away too much.

Some highlights: The exploration of the planet was GRIPPING and I could feel the fear, anxiety, and wonder Jessica experienced in that segment. Overall, this was the best portion of the book for me, but I was relieved when it was over. I was surprised at how much the situation pulled me in and made me physically feel her panic. Absolutely wonderful writing.

Some low points: The aforementioned moodiness of the main character was frustrating at points, especially in the beginning. But, teenagers, right? As she grows, this gets less irritating; but her stubbornness continues to be a little grating. Also, the quantum memory transference thing was a little odd; putting aside the reality and only looking in-universe, I'm still undecided if this "works" within the story. While the data corruption thing could work, the other episodes of memories transferring from one character to another in some cases seemed a little wishy-washy and also made some segments a little more confusing or immersion-breaking.

Some Neutral points: The ending was...well, I'm conflicted. In some ways I felt unresolved. In others, I actually like how the story wasn't tied up neatly. I don't know; you'll have to read it yourself to decide.