And the Tension Builds ...

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In just this small sample from the book the tension builds at a powerful rate and the urge to read more is created. The prologue is horrific. The introduction of characters in the first two chapters intriguing. Obviously the ICU patient will play a key role as will the women Meghan meets in the divorce group. But how will they all come together and tie into the missing daughter? That's the question I'm left with and I need an answer. I like the pacing of the book so far and I want to read more. I can see a deep and compelling plot developing. The story is complex yet easy to follow and it appears the story will move forward at a pace that keeps the pages turning. From the writing sample I can tell it is a book I won't be afraid to pass on to my bookish friends. I appreciate the lack of profanity which often permeates the beginning of a book and sets the mood for moving forward.