Pandemic reading

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Here are my "real time" notes taken while reading this excerpt:
-The writing style is distant - completely removed.
-This author is documenting, not describing. There is zero emotion or interest in this excerpt.
-Zero experience, zero "showing not telling." It's just statements of "facts."
-I just swapped for this in a book swap group. Should I not have done that? Did I just completely waste a trade on this nonsense? I feel like I'm going to be disappointed when it gets here. This has all the appearance of a real DNF (do not finish).
-I am officially halfway through the excerpt and I still have no idea what it's about. I still do not care about any of these people. Why am I even reading this still? Oh right, points.
-A few pages from the end of the excerpt is when the action finally starts, but it is conveyed so dryly that you just don't care. There is nothing about this book that screams interesting.
Verdict at the end of the excerpt: This is straight pandemic reading. It's not quality by any stretch of the imagination.