Not a Thriller

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I have been so eager to get my hands on this book! After first hearing about it- a mystery of a girl who dies while on vacation in the Caribbean- I knew it was right up my ally. As one of my favorite places to travel, Schaitkin perfectly articulates the ambiance and vibes experienced by vacationers on these islands. I was instantly hooked when I began this story, my favorite parts being those that take place on Saint X. The beginning 1/3 of this story entirely takes place on the island, but most of the rest is in New York. I found that these city sections dragged a bit, and it made the story seem very long. In the end, I became disinterested in the outcome of the mystery and just wanted to finish the book. I think this read will be great for people who don’t read thrillers but want a very light mystery. Also, those with connections to either NYC or the Caribbean will find Schaitkin’s descriptions of those places eloquent and spot on. Unfortunately, despite the skill of the author, the story itself is forgettable. I think the hype surrounding this novel may leave readers disappointed. However, I am very eager to keep up with her next novel, as she has the capacity to draw a vibrant picture and capture the reader’s attention.