Dangerous story

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The initial setting of this book is a fictional Caribbean island, and the next part of the book is set in NYC, both are done well. It is a story of a family on vacation on Saint X,, wealthy parents and their 2 daughters. Alison is 18, gorgeous and provocative. Claire is 7, and looks up to her sister.
On the last night of the vacation, Alison goes missing and is later found dead. Two of the resort workers are arrested, but let go. A Yale college boy is also questioned.
Claire mourns her sister's death, especially, when she is 18, and realizes that she has outlived Alison. She has a chance encounter with one of the men arrested, and decides to become close to him to find out if he killed Claire.
A dangerous story with a sad ending.
I felt the ending was a bit mysterious, but am hopeful that Claire found peace. Alison was a destructive character. Atmospheric!