Moving this book to the top of my "to-read" list!!!

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To say I am intrigued right now would be a huge understatement. Like I absolutely HAVE to read the rest of this book as soon as possible. I think a lot of what drew me in was how much I could relate to the characters and the story... not that anything like this has ever happened to me, but it so easily could have. I see myself in Alison. I'm an older sister too, my only sibling is my younger sister. I'm the outgoing, adventurous and flirty type. My sister is the shy homebody. The relationship between Alison and Claire reminds me so much of my sister and I when we were around that age. I'm also from Alabama, about an hour from where Natalee Holloway grew up. She was only a year older than me, so obviously her story has always captivated and terrified me. Mostly I think because that could have so easily been me or one my friends.

I think this book is very well written, so descriptive that I felt like I was there at the resort. I could see exactly how I imagine it would look. I love the references to all the guests as a whole. So many people, so different from each other, yet all the same too. I love how the writing kept building and building upon the suspense of what you know will happen just from reading the description. The preview gave me just enough to suck me in, yet left me dying to read more. I can't seriously can't wait to finish this one!