Quite enjoyed it

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I don't often pick up a middle grade novel so when I do it had better be worth it (ie: Amari and the Night Brothers). Happy to report Ring of Solomon by Aden Polydoros is one that I found to be worth it! Zach and his sister are in search of a birthday gift for their mother when they accidentally find a magical ring and the quest that follows. Zach is also searching for identity - gender/queer and also cultural. The book contains Jewish folklore and mythology, which I appreciated as my partner is half Jewish. There is a whole lotta story here and I almost feel it would have maybe worked better as apart of a series or at a minimum a duology. This is definitely one I will be saving and passing along down to my future children for them to pick up and read when they are ready. Loved this one and will share with generations to come! Will be on the look out for more from this author.