Fun Adventure
"An exciting and adventurous middle-grade trilogy that follows a queer Jewish boy and his family as they try to halt apocalyptic chaos, drawing upon Jewish mythology to navigate magic, mayhem and the search for pride in one’s identity".
With a summary like that, how could "Ring of Solomon" by Aden Polydoros be anything but a hit? I might be a little outside of the target age range for the audience of this book, but I was still swept up in the mythology and magic of this story. I usually hate it when people compare new fresh books with the YA "classics" but I honestly think that any reader who enjoyed the Percy Jackson series should give this book a shot! The characters are charming and down to earth, not to mention wonderfully diverse from the typical middle-grade novel. So, take a chance and prepare to be swept along on this fun adventure!
With a summary like that, how could "Ring of Solomon" by Aden Polydoros be anything but a hit? I might be a little outside of the target age range for the audience of this book, but I was still swept up in the mythology and magic of this story. I usually hate it when people compare new fresh books with the YA "classics" but I honestly think that any reader who enjoyed the Percy Jackson series should give this book a shot! The characters are charming and down to earth, not to mention wonderfully diverse from the typical middle-grade novel. So, take a chance and prepare to be swept along on this fun adventure!