Such a cute reimagining of Rapunzel

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This book was such a joy to read. Snakes, magic, a warrior princess and a wandering solider. What more could I ask for? I have always loved tales of Rapunzel, and I try to read as many as I can. This was such a fun take on the story itself. Like you can see where it was the Rapunzel story, but you can also see how different it is on its own as well. I did enjoy the character growth and shaping your own future while not becoming the thing you do not want to be just because it is your parents' idea. This book was hard to put down and I wanted to keep reading just to see what would happened next. I did like how it bounced back and forth from the two different perspectives so we could see everything happening from two opposite sides and slowly see them becoming more together with one general motive as the story progressed. I really cannot wait to get more stories from Alexandra Christo, if they are anything like this I will be in for a treat.