A good book but not for me

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Practice Girl follows the story of Jo Beckett, a high school girl whose life is dedicated to the wrestling team. She learns some of the boys on the team have been using her, and has to deal with that betrayal while also struggling to maintain friendships and find love.

There's a good amount of character growth, but it all comes right at the end. Jo makes the same mistakes and falls into the same patterns despite repeatedly vowing to change. I know she's a teenager, but it felt a little like space was just being filled until the end of the book. I did like the ending overall, major timeline discrepancy notwithstanding.

It was a sweet, heartfelt book overall. I just didn't feel very strongly about it one way or another; I think some younger readers might find the story more personally resonant and moving than I did.

Thank you to BookishFirst for the ARC.