Somewhat entertaining

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A decade after a massacre occurred in a Halloween attraction, one of the survivors has been found dead. Now, Sarah and Tyler have come together to protect themselves and the other survivors while trying to discover who killed Hannah.

I haven't read the other books in The Finnegan Connection, but I believe this is definitely a stand alone work. It's a mostly enjoyable work, but I do have some gripes with it. The two main characters are rather quick to fall into bed with each other, seemingly without much fault because, after all, they are -possibly- being hunted down by the same person that killed their old friend Hannah.

The fact that it was someone that was assumed dead was kind of a lame moment for me. On top of that, Morrison's reveal as a psychopath was rather lackluster without a lot of visible build up or hint towards that being a possibility. The plot line itself managed to be often lackluster and managed to make otherwise smart seeming characters look kind of dumb.

This is a voluntary and honest review given to ARC copy of this book received through BookishFirst.