Can't wait to have this on my shelves!

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Ophelia After All has all of the ingredients to be a fantastic YA book. The unique title and beautiful cover art were the first to draw me in (I will be the first to admit that I DO absolutely judge books by their covers), but the First Look lived up to all my expectations!

The opening scene (when Ophelia is lost in her own little fantasy world) gave me To All the Boys vibes, so of course I was hooked immediately! I love Ophelia's fashion sense and vibrant group of friends - and the detailed writing style brought the story to life on the first few pages. I'm very intrigued by the element of gardening / flowers, something that I have never really encountered in a YA fiction book before. I love the premise of Ophelia as a classic hopeless romantic, and I look forward to finding out how that carries through the book.

The First Look at Ophelia After All frames this book as a fantastic coming-of-age story, and I expect it to be a valuable read for any young people who are going on their own journey of finding our who they truly are. I work as a Teen Services Librarian in a public library, and I am always seeking out fantastic new fiction to add to the shelves. I am so excited for this book to become available for me to purchase for the library, and I feel confident that this is a title I will happily recommend. I can't wait to read more!