This wasn't for me and that's okay!

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So, I'll be honest and say that I didn't complete this book. I thought that the first look was interesting, and I enjoyed the premise, but once I started reading the book and getting further into the story, I found myself flipping through the pages quickly and eventually just saying that it is okay for some books not to be for me.

I found some of the medical descriptions hard to follow, and I have a degree in chemistry that helps me to understand some things, so I cannot imagine how that might have been for those who are not in similar fields. Perhaps this was part of my problem, as I often read to avoid a lot of the heavy technical information I am always processing, but this kept making me feel like I was doing work when I had to stop and look things up.

Overall, I thought the story had a great premise, but I am just not the right audience for this type of book. I have since gifted my copy to a friend who reads things more in this genre, and I believe they enjoyed it, so I hope you find your target audience. Thanks for the chance to read it!