A Really Great Read

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There were a lot of really great things with this book. For starters, Gene was a very practical protagonist who went through obstacles and did not always make the right choice. He was imperfect, which I really enjoyed. Throughout the novel, Gene shows a growth in maturity over the years this story takes place, this gives this novel a 'coming of age' feel without feeling immature. The events that Gene matures and grows from add to the idea that life is complex and centers around more than just one subject and that sometimes it can be hard to balance all of these topics.
The things I did not really enjoy in this book was the feeling of some parts being dragged out. While I enjoyed the medical terminology used throughout to connect to Genes profession, I felt the medical sections sometimes dragged on and were too detailed for a book that is meant for casual reading and not academic.
Overall, I really enjoyed this read except for a few parts and would recommend it to people who are looking for a thought provoking coming of age story.