Engaging Historical That Has a Great Impact

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I really enjoyed this book. At first when reading the plot, I thought this book would be cheesy and just like every other book about a guy falling in love at first sight, but this book gave me more than I ever expected. From the very beginning I was hooked onto every word. The writing style flows easy, so it is easy to understand and still very engaging to readers. I love the unique way he meets the girl and all these situations he is in keeps me on the edge of my seat. I actually wanted to continue to read so I could know what would happen next. The author also does a wonderful job changing the ton of his writing to express the time period and the main characters thought. There was a major difference in tone from when he as a kid in 1965 and to when he is grown up in 1974. But I enjoyed even though the tone is different when he is younger it doesn't feel like a kid’s book. His age is portrayed without the lack of complex word structure that engages a mature audience. I also enjoy the changes in timeline. This is something I truly enjoy in a book because each chapter is different and keep me entertained. So far, the author has done a wonderful job.

As for the cover I like it and I also don't like it. I am very critical of covers so it is hard for me to really like a cover. For this one in my opinion it isn't as elegant as I would like. It has details but for me I want a simple cover as the details need to add meaning and I don't feel like the details have meaning. Even though I don't like the balloon I can see how it fits into the books theme and how it plays on the books title. So, for me this cover just wasn't it but it in no way impacts my opinion of the book.