I liked it.

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I remember when reading the first impression, I did not like the whole social media aspect of the story. However, after reading the entire book, I do think this got better throughout since she is not actively on social media for most of the book. I do feel like this book would cater to the younger side of young adult better than the older side like myself. I did not feel super connected to Kaylee throughout the book. I do think she grew on me more, but I just never really felt a lot of what she was feeling. Especially being someone who doesn't have a lot of social media and someone who does not post on social media, I could not relate to the front of perfection. I did feel bad for her though because I thought the parents in this book were the awful. They were giving her a good life, but beyond that, I just felt like they never ever cared about her feelings or being invested in her. I thought the most likeable character was Dean. Overall, the book grew on me as it went on, and I found myself feeling real emotions for the characters and the story. This book was a cute, easy read.

*** I received a copy of this book from BookishFirst.