Fell Flat

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sasha Avatar


Mrs. Loretta Plansky is a wealthy widow who enjoys playing tennis during her retirement years. Having money, Mrs. Plansky is often asked for money from her 98 year old father, her children, and grandchildren, so naturally when she receives a call late one night from Will, her grandson, asking for money because he got a DUI, she is ready and willing to help. Little did she know, by morning, all of her money would be gone, having fallen victim to a scam. Determined to get her money back and bring the scammers to justice, Mrs. Plansky travels to a small village in

When I read the summary of this novel it sounded like just my kind of novel, but to me it fell a little flat. Throughout the story Mrs. Plansky is referred to as just that: Mrs. Plansky. I found this to be almost disruptive to the flow of the novel, bordering on annoying. I also found her family to be maddening and exasperating, especially her daughter, always asking for money and being almost flaky. I cared about Dinu and his life more than I did her’s, and his story is what kept me reading this book. I really wanted to like this novel, but it just didn’t do it for me.