Very Nice Book

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The cover art is really nice and I enjoyed the illustrations a lot. I haven't read a graphic novel in a while probably since I was younger. However I really enjoyed this one. The story over all was very nice. This Graphic Novel unpacks a lot of emotions throughout the book. Valentina wants to know if she is doomed to never find her true love.

I really enjoyed how the book did not just cover Valentina trying to find true love but that cultural aspect as well as the family dynamic. We explore the relationships in Valentinas life from family, friends to grief we even get to witness a little character growth with forgiving past mishaps.

The graphics really drew me in and I loved the colors that were incorporated into the illustrations. I also really enjoyed that the story had lions dancing in it as well. I got to learn something from another culture that I didn't know.

Overall this graphic novel was well balanced and a really nice read. I would recommend this book to friends and family.