Love Love, how much can I gush about Margaret Owen

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These characters are just so good. Vanja is like Fie taken to the next level, in terms of drawing you in and just being a spunky, capricious sort of person. Owen's characters are so relatable. The Faithless Hawk had some of my least favorite tropes ever, but I love how the characters pulled through in all of it, so I couldn't even be mad. Also, can we talk about that prologue, because goddesses of death and fortune yes, I am very here for all of this. Another thing I love is the subtle foreshadowing. Just the names of things is important, and its so satisfying seeing how it all comes together.

(Full disclosure, my review copy is taking its time in the mail, so I haven't gotten to read it all yet. But I want to leave a review on time, so here's all of my gushing about the first chapters I have read, and just Margaret Owen in general! Will update when it comes!)