Brief but Heartwrenching

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Everything about this book felt immaculately drawn and so much like something I could relate to. Even if every person or woman who reads this book hasn't had this specific relationship dynamic, this was drawn in a way to make the specific universal. A line near the end of the book sums up the thesis of the book saying that toxic relationships are like ticking bombs with the pin pulled out. So many of the lines in this book felt striking and somber. The threading of the 'present' from which the protagonist was writing the letter of the book threaded beautifully with the direct addresses to M. The use of second person in this case was beautiful and condemning. The reader was made to feel complicit int his relationship in a way that was suffocating, but clearly intentional. In some ways it felt as if we only knew the character through the lens of this relationship, but I never felt slighted to only know her that way.