A quick read with a decent but predictable twist

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Lies You Never Told Me by Jennifer Donaldson was a quick read, but I tend to dislike when books are told from two different perspectives that are seemingly unrelated. While readers know the stories will eventually intersect somehow, the distinct story lines make the story feel a bit choppy and disconnected until the stories come together. I will admit that I didn't quite see the twist coming until I started approaching the end of the book, but it did still feel a bit predictable. There weren't enough other characters in the story to distract from how two story lines could intertwine. I also felt that the relationships in the story moved a bit too quickly, as both Gabe and Catherine and Elyse and Aidan said "I love you" very early on. I felt their relationships should have had a little more time to build up to that point, as the fast pace made the story seem even less realistic. Overall, Lies You Never Told Me was a fine quick read, but it's not the best thing I've read lately.