Good gothic fantasy romance book

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I have really gotten into the YA fantasy mystery romance genre so I knew Lakesedge would not disappoint.

Violeta (Leta) and her brother (who has some magical problems) ends up at a haunted estate of sorts on a lake called Lakesedge. The place is very much haunted by a man who is said to have killed his entire family. Add in a devil (reminiscent of Addie Larue) and magical gothic fantasy plus a lot of romance. Plus more ghosts.

I really enjoyed Lakesedge. It is nothing like I have read before. It does have a hades and Persephone vibe to it but the book is very well written. I loved all of the creepy elements. The romance between Rowan and Violeta was a good slow burn. I loved the world building and details of the gothic castle/mansion and gardens.

The entire book was very easy to read and I enjoyed it very much. I cannot wait to read the 2nd book in the series.