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KILL HER TWICE by Stacy Lee (Thank you BookishFirst, Penguin Teen, and Putnam Books for thr ARC--April 2024)

I don't generally read books set in the past, but this one was well worth it. First, the cover was stunning: the sparkles and the knowing that something was going to happen
KILL HER TWICE has everything I look for in a book: a mystery waiting to be unraveled, characters investigating and solving the murder before the police, and slight romance. I especially liked Freddie's character, how how full of himself he was but still being helpful toward Gemma.
KILL HER TWICE had a mystery that kept me intrigued. Literally, I was flipping through the pages, devouring the story laid out in front if me: the death of Lulu, May and Gemma and Peony working to solve it, and the eventual solve. It was all well-worked, and just glorious. This is definitely a must-read murder mystery for anyone looking for anyone who wants to read a tale of sisters working together to help their community, solve a murder, and maybe meet the man of their dreams.

What I Liked About It:
*the mystery
* the figurative language