Very intriguing

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Well Imagine my surprise when I release this was not the first book of this series haha. Unfortunately i definitely dislike coming in to a series like this but luckily I did not find myself lost or struggling to keep up. It was still easy to follow along and understand what was happening in the story….

For me, I enjoy thrillers and mysteries in an every once in a while way. This was a quick read and I was able to be sucked in fairly quickly. I loved the fast paced action of this book. I did find a few parts to be predictable but I think it is hard to avoid things like that with mysteries anyway… someone is bound to see it coming..

Seeing as there is a this book coming out I may want to pick up the first and read them in the proper order when the third is released to let me have a better handle on the entire picture.

All in all it was a quick fairly easy read that held my attention enough to be interested in the third book.