Jack Warr is No James Bond!

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I was very excited to read Judas Horse by Lynda La Plante! I had heard really good things about Plante’s writing, and the synopsis seemed like it was going to be very good. Sadly, I was not impressed with this novel. In fact it took me an excruciatingly long time to get through a fairly short novel.

Judas Horse is Plante’s sequel to her first Jack Warr novel Buried. The story begins great with two boys finding a dead body in a horse box (horse trailer) in a river. Then the story goes into an extremely slow burn dive. There was just a lot of pedantic insight into Jack’s life, and Maggie and his new baby. It had a lot of the stereotypical police tropes in that Warr is a good cop, but not always the best team player. Some love him, and others butt heads with him during the investigation.

Instead of a Murder mystery with a slew of murders that needed to be solved, or even focusing on the first murder. The story is about a group of thieves pulling heists on wealthy homes. There are a few deaths, but it really was lackluster and not very interesting. The murders were simply glazed over almost. There is one decent fight, and decent at best. Jack Warr is no where near the caliber of James Bond. Nor is Lynda La Plante even close to the caliber of the writing of the late great Ian Fleming.

Overall, I give Judas Horse by Lynda La Plante two and a quarter stars out of five stars. I barely finished this novel, and really would not recommend it. Unless you really love slow paced mysteries with lackluster leading characters, and sub par villains. However, it did have an air of reality to it. I say this since real life investigations aren’t necessarily that exciting at times, and there is a lot of waiting. Plante also writes very well, and this was also taken into consideration. Nevertheless, I want to be entertained, and for me it just didn’t do the trick. However, that is my own humble opinion. I suppose I was just a bit let down. Until next time, my friends.