Fan fiction done right!

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I knew I wanted to read this book as soon as I saw the premise. This story revolves around Jo March struggling to write a sequel to Little Women, all whilst looking at her best friend Laurie with fresh eyes.

I think this book did a fantastic job of capturing the spirit of the original novel. Jo is as spirited and independent as ever; Laurie steadfast and loving. I gobbled this story up. You get a clear image of how Jo is inspired by her everyday life to put pen to paper.

Now, if you've read Little Women and hoped Jo and Laurie would end up together... this is the book for you. I, admittedly, am one of those people. This book gives us hopeless romantics the ending we wanted in Little Women.

Of course, nothing of this story is actually canon. But that's what makes this book kind of special. It's fan fiction that is able to capture the hearts and imaginations of all Little Women fans.