Great Middle Grade Book!

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Nnamdi wants nothing more than to see his father's killer brought to justice. But he's just a boy. What can he possibly do? Then his father's ghost appears to him and gifts him an Ikenga that carries with it magic powers.

Nnamdi's father had been the Chief of Police in the corrupt, crime-filled city of Kaleria and the possible suspects for his death were numerous. After touching the mystical, magical Ikenga, Nnamdi is able to transform in a supernatural being that is only known as "The Man". A shadowy figure, his superhuman strength enables him to take on the worst criminals in Kaleria. But The Man is difficult to control. Will Nnamdi be able to find the murderer as his father's ghost seems to want him to do? Will he ever learn to control The Man's anger? And what secrets will he uncover in his search?

This book is a powerful story about processing your grief, learning the necessary skill of self-control, relying on your friends, and having the courage to do the right thing. It also inspired me to dig into the cultural signifigance of the Ikenga, an important symbol to the Igbo people of Nigeria. I would highly recommend this book for middle grade readers!