All Aboard the Struggle Bus
Ann Liang does a good job setting up Alice's socioeconomic status and precarious situation with her education. I can definitely feel Alice's desperation to not switch schools, as neither school will get her the necessary education needed to apply for universities that could get her family into a higher socioeconomic status.
Desperation can drive us to cross lines we normally wouldn't cross, so I'm interested to see how far Alice is willing to go. (Also, do I see a hint of secretly-in-love Henry? Very excited to see how her relationship with him changes! I can definitely see Alice wanting to find dirt on Henry most of all.)
I'm interested to see how Alice turns secret-finding into a business, and how far she's willing to go!
Desperation can drive us to cross lines we normally wouldn't cross, so I'm interested to see how far Alice is willing to go. (Also, do I see a hint of secretly-in-love Henry? Very excited to see how her relationship with him changes! I can definitely see Alice wanting to find dirt on Henry most of all.)
I'm interested to see how Alice turns secret-finding into a business, and how far she's willing to go!