Life Flows For - and Backward

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From the first pages and on throughout the book. it would be welcome to add a Genealogy Chart to keep track of all the related characters.

Each has their own brand of strangeness, some as compelling as Alice and Peter, and others, like Delia's constant Connor chatter, just endless and boring to both readers and her family. Good that Red masters his panic attacks in time for Brady.

Grief at Gerry's death is mostly locked in light dialogue until Red and Miss Sparkles mourn at the gravestone and until we finally enter Ellen's heart and deeper feelings.
Sure hope she lives longer and healthier than her family seems to anticipate!

Since plot is covered in other Reviews, here are remaining questions:

1. Why does no one mention that Gerry took a chance with Ellen's life by possibly infecting her with adulterous diseases?!?
2. Why didn't Alice and Peter reunite way, way sooner than 15 years if each was the only one they longed for?
3. What did Alice's jarring "whore" mean?
4. How could a highly reviewed New York Times book sell only 4 copies - or was that a joke?
5. Huh with shaky Jennifer deciding she wants a divorce - only because she was so royally wrong about JJ and cheating?

(If a sequel, please lose the farts and snots and sweating unless a YA audience is up.
It may be time for folks to move out of Georgia to a cooler clime.)