I Cried.

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I went into this book just thinking it was going to be just a regular enjoyment, type of book. But I was wrong. I ended up loving it more than I thought I would. I thought the story was well written and I loved that this book had a small fantasy element to it.

Even though I haven't experienced some of the things these characters went through, It still touched my heart and made me emotional. Evan dealing with his parents divorce and his mother's health is something I'm sure so many people could relate too. I adored his love and protectiveness over his younger brother. Their relationship is just the cutest.

Shosh lost her sister in a car accident because a drunk driver was behind the wheel. Unfortunately, Shosh turned into an alcoholic herself because of this situation. And even though I could never understand why people turn to the things that harmed and taken away their loved ones, I know plenty of people will relate to her too. Her relationship with her sister was beautiful too.

I did not expect for this book to make me cry in the end but it did and I loved it! I hope others enjoy this book as much as I did.