Dark and Twisted

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The world of ballet is extremely competitive, but being a Black girl only makes it more difficult to take center stage. Laure dances in Paris and has dreams of rising to the top, but she feels as though no matter how well she dances she will never be fully recognized for her talents. Feeling as though she has no options, she makes a deal with a river of blood deep below the city within the Catacombs. Laure’s choices begin to leave behind a path of destruction, but she isn’t the only one willing to do whatever it takes to be the best; she isn’t the only monster in Paris.

This is a wonderfully twisted novel. There were some slow moments, but I still consumed this work, wanting to know what would happen next as quickly as I could. Some themes that are extremely relevant to today are explored within the pages, making this more than just a horror. The symbolism was quite powerful as well. I enjoyed the characters; they are diverse and well developed/rounded. I do wish I was more surprised with the ending, but I enjoyed the novel nonetheless.