No Sense of Humor

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For a novel about the comedy business, there’s little that’s humorous. Presley Fry seems to be suffering from some undiagnosed anxiety disorder…or maybe she’s just depressed at her mother’s death. While the woman lived, she was an alcoholic nightmare, always overdrinking and getting loud, boisterous and insulting when she did. But Presley misses her fiercely, which comes through every time she flinches away from thinking about her after her mother dies.

The author’s description of Presley and the small coterie of fictional individuals that accompany her is lively and engaging. They spring off the page, seeming almost like real people. Presley is silently infatuated with one of her coworkers. This is a problem since he seems oblivious to her and her unrequited feelings for himself.

Couple this with a man accused of indiscretion and Presley’s decision to get dinner with the man’s wife and you have the beginnings of a tense drama indeed. There’s just nothing too funny about it.