Engaging and wonderful

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Katherine Center has blown me away.

I have no other way to put this. My jaw dropped, my feelings were fully engaged, and I could not stop reading.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press for providing my an ARC (Advanced Reader’s Copy) in exchange for an honest review. And holy moly do I have a review for you! *cracks knuckles*

How to Walk Away will be released May 15th, 2018 (next week) and I would highly recommend you go pick up a copy.

Margaret Jacobsen is the main character in this book. She’s always done well in life,. She strives for the best grades, the best job, and even has a handsome boyfriend to boot. She has planned out her life and she know’s exactly where it’s going. Until absolute heart break strikes in Chapter One. Until all her preconceived notions are ripped from her hands and she’s thrown into an absolute different life not of her choosing.

Going into this book, I was only aware it had a ‘romance’ tag to it. I didn’t realize what I was getting into until I started reading chapter one and real quick you realize…… the reader is in for an intense ride. Chapter one was phenomenal and terrifying. Center’s writing was so well done that I was starting to freak out with the character and had to control myself from reading ahead.

“We were the very definition of helpless, and as I realized that, it also hit me that everything I’d been looking forward to was over before it even began. Chip and me—and the lakeside wedding we’d never have, and the rescue beagle we’d never adopt, and the valedictorian babies we’d never make. They say your life flashes before your eyes, but it wasn’t my life as I’d lived it that I saw. It was the life I’d been waiting for. The one I’d never get a chance to live.” How to Walk Away – Katherine Center

By Chapter Two, How to Walk Away is gripping and tragic. I was heart broken for Margaret and had to see what happened. To find out how this major change in life was going to be addressed.

Katherine Center wrote this story was beautifully.

She didn’t pull punches, she didn’t sugar coat, and she didn’t try to make things perfect. I applaud her for this. Most readers want everything to be roses and daisies after a conflict like the one in this story comes about. Rooting for Margaret was my full focus, my ongoing feeling, and also my frustration. haha Which I’m sure is what was the goal.

I don’t want to spoil anything and I know everyone can easily google or check goodreads to see what happens to the main character in this novel. However, I’d encourage readers to go in with little information. To take the whole story in as a whole and let it absorb you. I will warn that this is an intense read, full of ups and downs. It’s also a story of perseverance, of courage, of anger, of grief, of learning, and living.

“It’s the trying that heals you.” How to Walk Away, Katherine Center

Overall, I now need to go read all of Katherine Center’s books. (LOL) This was my first read from her and that seems like an oversight. One that I need to correct as soon as possible.

Overall Rating: 5 Stars
Plot: 5 Stars
Character Development: 5 Stars
Dialogue: 5 Stars
Writing: 5 Stars
I recommend this to anyone that likes fiction, not just romance. The romance is there, but for me it wasn’t the main point, or the main driver. This is easily one of the best reads I’ve had this year. Take a chance and go grab it next week. It will keep you involved from beginning to end.

~Happy Reading
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