Not the beginning

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Sometimes I don't pay much attention to chapter names, and there have been times when I've received a book after reading the First Impression and thought maybe I'd missed something when I didn't start the book over, as though maybe the First Impression didn't begin at page 1 or contain all of the pages between page 1 and the one I finished on. This First Impression does exactly what I'd been wondering; we start here on Chapter 3. It's an interesting place to start, because we're thrown into a story without having a clue who our narrator is, but otherwise the story is coherent.

We're thrown into a scenario where the main character has been shot by his own father, which we have to learn through context clues (the information may be conveyed in jacket copy but I never read that). It makes it difficult to know how much else of the tons of information being conveyed over the ensuing pages is repeated from the first two chapters.

This is clearly going to be some kind of love story between Camden and Willow, both of whom are damaged goods, although in very different ways. Very dramatic interactions from everyone in the town abound. Not my cup of tea.