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I love me a good mystery that seems like it will be filled with so much suspense...though I don't really gravitate toward the adult genre(YA mystery is my cuppa tea.). Whatever the case, I did give this excerpt a chance.
Upon delving into the book, I was immediately drawn by the prologue. I thought it was neat and the mystery of the boy on the skateboard and the man in the truck. (The bad guy obviously, but who is it?)
I then started reading chapter one part one and then so on of the excerpt. I thought the book was well written, and I actually love how descriptive it was. (Sometimes authors go overboard, but I don't think that's the case with what was offered in the first impression.)
The excerpt ended at a good spot, enough to really draw the reader in. Like it had me questioning what. What happened in the beginning? What's going to happen? Who's doing it? Etc? I think this will be perfect for a mystery lover of any age.