Sad to have finished it

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Melissa Meyers weaves fairy tales retellings like no one else. I have probably reread her lunar series half a dozen times. This retelling of Rumpelstiltskin makes you feel like you’re on a long roller coaster, At times you’re on this world building journey, looking around you to see what things look like as if it’s a gentle but cold amusement ride a la it’s a small world but then in times of high action, you’re zooming and going through loops. As the first book of the duology, I was on the edge of my seat watching as we come closer to the end but not ready for the ride to be over,

As always, Meyers creates a compelling female main character who you can’t help but root for and also wish you could have the same survival strengths. It’s interesting to see how the power of storytelling comes through as a true power, I also love trying to guess the mystery of the castle and its clearly tortured inhabitants.

The cliffhanger is a great one and I can’t wait to add it to my rereading pile.