Beautifully Haunting till the Last Page

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Hear ye, hear ye. The Queen of fairy tale retellings has returned! Bowed before this gothic Rumpelstiltskin tale that will have you reeling and gasping at every page.

Marissa Meyer's Gilded brings back the magic of Rumpelstiltskin, but at a price of course. Serilda has been cursed by the god lies, and developed a knack for storytelling. But her talent quickly gets in her trouble as she spins the tale of her ability to spin straw into gold, to a haunting Erlking. Taking her seriously, the Erlking whisks her away and demands for her tales to be truth. But they were nothing but lies.

In steps a boy who Serilda quickly falls for. But their love comes at a price as well.

I love Meyer's work of the Lunar Chronicles and absolutely adore Heartless. Even though it absolutely breaks my heart ever reread. And though I thought Gilded was a bit too long with some scenes that needed less detail. I will forever recommend it.