A great rumpelstilskin retelling!

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Gilded is the first book in a duology The novel follows Serilda a poor girl in her village with a knack for telling lies. Unfortunately one of these lies gets her in trouble with the Erlking. So with no choice she has to find a way to turn straw into gold or face the consequences of her lies.
Marrisa Meyer is the queen of retellings and overall a wonderful author, her writing style and world building are great, and she knows how to write a good character. I really loved Serilda and the character development she goes through. The dialogue and banter between characters always kept me entertained and laughing. I enjoyed the supernatural spooky aspects throughout the novel and the romance was portrayed well and added to the plot. I was not expecting the cliffhanger at the end of the novel and it got me really excited for the next book to come out!