Perfect middle school book

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My middle school students definitely identified with this book. Hair is so important in their lives. I read the book and then passed it on to a few of my students. I soon got a whole bunch of students asking to read it. I did buy a copy for my school library. Hair symbolizes who we are culturally and individually. Today my middle school students wear their hair up, down, color streaks, braided etc. it helps say who they are and maybe where they are going. The story of the main character wanting to “go natural” with her hair is so important. We see too many ads, tv shows, celebrities telling us how we should look or what product to buy. I think the main character emphasizes her individual statement with her hair. My students need to see and learn how beautiful they are no matter what they look like. We need to promote more the concept of being proud of yourself and sharing who you are with others. Hair is a part of that.