Great book for young girls everywhere!

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This book focuses on Marlene‘s struggles with her self confidence, her relationship with her family and her friends. The main plot point is her hair, which her mother and family deems as unacceptable and not presentable. They often compare her to her cousin and how she should be more like her, which further hinders Marlene’s self confidence. I believe this book is important not only for young girls of color but to everyone that has felt singled out by their peers or family for being different. It’s important for young girls to embrace who they are and love themselves. Personally, this book hit home because I spent all my high school years straightening my hair in order to “fit in” and look “acceptable” not because of my family (thankfully) but because that was what society taught young girls my age. I will read to my daughter and work hard to teach her to accept herself just as she is! Amazing book and even more incredible message!