Aaaaaawwwwweeeeee ❤️❤️❤️❤️
How sweet yet sad is the life of an adolescent who’s looks stray from the average???? From first glimpse, I was excited to read this title! Seems to be the type of coming of age story everyone needs right now: gets knocked down but gets back up again with courage and might! Our young main character learns many harsh realities right off the get. Strange, sad, yet not unfamiliar that kids in a tight knit family get pitted against each other when compared by the elders in their lives who they love and trust. That in itself is bad enough but being downgraded for something you inherited? Gut wrenching. Little ma’am seems to have quite a lot on her plate from the get. As a person who has sweet nieces who have felt this similar hurt, kind of makes me (as a reader) want to go scream at her mother 😂😂😂😂 This little snippet has me wondering what comes next 😊 Thanks for letting me review!