A Dirty Look for Everyone in the Room!

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The title and the cover with all the beautiful frizzy sucked me right in.

First of all I love the artwork. The bright colors and evocative scenery that reminds me of New York and fills me with nostalgia.

Secondly, I too hated the salon as a child. Constantly and consistently having to wait our turn every single time. The way adults could say anything to you and if you responded to a rude comment, you were considered rude.

Thirdly, the story is shaping up nicely. I like the tone and pacing and you can probably tell I'm already firmly in Marlene, the main character's, corner and I want to give her mami a good shake. How long will we tolerate the good hair, bad hair nonsense at the expense of a child's self-esteem?

Finally, I look forward to reading the finished product to see where the author goes with the story and to see if my rating will change.