Didn't Quite Hit For Me

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I'm at a loss on this book • Originally I thought it was a case of overhyping it in my mind • After pausing and restarting to find myself dragging again, I realized I had no attachment to the majority of the characters • I feel like this could be a really strong read for some but it unfortunately left me feeling indifferent

If you are looking for a light YA rom•com, this is not it • Yoon adds important facets to the story - such as exploring identity as a second generation Korean, racism disguised as cultural pride, expectations from parents to live out their dreams - but there are so many of them, none of them get the treatment they should • It feels like it was an attempt to throw every possible issue in one novel in hopes to please everyone • Frank Li serves as the narrator throughout and I'm still confused if he was supposed to be the hero or villian of his own story • I have no idea how any of Frank's relationships came to be • This was the slowest moving story but somehow had the fastest (unexplained) plot and character development

In the end I felt like I read a bunch of pages to get exactly nowhere • Yet somehow I feel like maybe I'm missing the point of Frank's story