Groundbreaking and full of twists!

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I /love/ fantasy and sci-fi books, especially YA fantasy or sci-fi books. I also adore murder mystery books, that's why Four Dead Queens seemed like it would be the perfect book for me.

And, spoilers, it was. I loved Four Dead Queens. The world-building was amazing, the cultures that were displayed in Quadara each seemed incredibly fleshed out and realistic.

But, perhaps by far, the thing I loved the most about the novel was the unreliable narrator. While many books that have an unreliable narrator are the type of books where the narrator lies to the reader in order to deceive them, the narrator of Four Dead Queens does not know that she is unreliable. She, in the course of the novel, is doing her absolute best to try and figure out who killed the queens, and why the palace is doing nothing to report any of it, until we learn, alongside her, who is killing the queens and why everything is so silent from the palace.

Also, I loved that this book included such casual LGBTQ+ rep, and it made for an even more interesting read when all the links between characters - both romantically and not - were uncovered.